
Posts Tagged ‘German Au Pairs’

The German Au Pair:How Germans Differ

In Uncategorized on May 10, 2010 at 6:01 am

Because ProAuPair has a strong affiliation with Germany, many of our Au Pairs are from Germany. Recently, an American I know, Mariah Sage, was in Germany and she revealed this to me about her impressions of the German mindset as it related to child rearing.  For American Host Families, it is important to understand the cultural differences as much as possible before your Au Pair arrives but be prepared for the journey of discovery that is getting to know an Au Pair. It’s as much an adventure with the swings up and the head-shaking wonderment as falling in love or learning about a new friend that you like a lot.  It would be beneficial for Host Families to recognize differences as much as they can in advance, talk  them out when possible, and smile with wonder when something catches you off guard and surprises you in learning about your new “best friend”, your Au Pair.

Germans, by Mariah Sage

Another difference that was perhaps more subtle but that I also noticed was the level of protectiveness that Americans have towards their children compared to Germans. Again, this is an overgeneralization as every person and family varies greatly but in general I notice that American families tend to be more overly cautious and protective of their children. Americans tend to never let their child out of their sight for even a moment or to let them try to climb something where they might get hurt whereas the Germans seem to have a healthy view of “trial and error.” Generally the Germans allow their children to try more things for themselves and to learn from what happens which ends up giving their children a much stronger sense of self confidence. Regardless of which is the better way to raise children however, it is something important to be aware of when working with some American families as they may expect you to adopt their cautious attitude when working with their children.